Re: Various resources

H Morrow Long (long-morrow@CS.YALE.EDU)
Fri, 30 Sep 1994 10:24:55 -0400

>Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 12:16:01 -0400
>From: Craig Metz <>
>In message <>, you write:
>>to get the 8lgm's advisories, do the following:
>>echo send * | mail
>	Anyone else catch the little security flaw in these instructions? ;)
>									-Craig

Yep.  That should be:

	echo 'send *' | mail

Wonder if that was intentional :-)

H. Morrow Long, Mgr of Dev., Yale Univ., Comp Sci Dept, 011 AKW, New Haven, CT
06520-8285,	VOICE:	(203)-432-{1248,1254}		FAX:	(203)-432-0593
INET: Long-Morrow@CS.Yale.EDU UUCP: yale!Long-Morrow BITNET: Long-Morrow@YaleCS